
Saltwater Systems for Hot Tubs

In the market for a hot tub? In recent years, saltwater systems have flooded the market claiming to be the “natural” or “chemical-free” alternative to sanitize your hot tub. But are these claims accurate? Are saltwater systems really better? Let’s consider the facts so you can make the best decision when purchasing your next hot tub.

Through a process called “electrolysis,” electricity is used to convert dissolved salt (sodium chloride) into chlorine or sodium bromide (which converts to bromine). In other words, a saltwater system—by design—generates the same chemical sanitizers used in non-saltwater systems. Generating chlorine or bromine from saltwater makes sense in the cool water of a swimming pool, especially if a homeowner struggles with granular chlorine dosing or other chemical additives, such as UV inhibitors. But there are more than a few reasons why saltwater systems are not the best fit for hot tubs.

A salt system in a pool as opposed to a hot tub is not easily comparable. Here are some differences to consider when comparing the average hot tub with the typical backyard pool:

  • The average hot tub, at only 400 gallons, is much smaller than a pool.

  • Hot tub water is much warmer, up to 104⁰F (40⁰C), causing bathers to sweat more and excrete more organics.

  • Less water and more organics means that sanitizer is consumed more quickly.

  • Open pools allow sanitizers to vent (or, “off-gas”) whereas hot tubs are covered when not in use.

  • Unlike most pools, hot tubs have internal metal components such as water heaters, heater elements and jet face escutcheons (the metal rings around the jets).

  • Pools are typically made of fiberglass or concrete, whereas hot tubs have an acrylic or co-bonded polymer shell.

  • Water in an open pool is exposed to more natural UV light than in a hot tub.

This differences are important when it comes to the salt system. Two people in a 10,000 gallon pool is obviously much different than two people in a 400 gallon hot tub. Less water volume means a higher concentration of dissolved organic compounds (such as sweat, skin oil and bacteria) which uses up sanitizer more quickly. So to remain effective, a saltwater system in a hot tub would need to generate—and maintain—a higher sanitizer concentration than that of a pool.

In the high-temperature environment of a hot tub, it is quite possible that a chlorine or bromine generator may not produce enough sanitizer to keep up with demand. In fact, some salt system manufacturers admit you may have to add additional sanitizer to properly maintain safe water! If the generator continues to run without people in the tub (meaning there is not enough dissolved organics to use up the extra sanitizer), it may actually overproduce chlorine for a period of time. “Over-chlorination” may lead to excess chlorine gas trapped underneath the cover. Not only can this degrade foam pillows and the underside of the spa cover to the point of bleaching, it may corrode exposed metal accents (including stainless steel), and/or dull the color of hot tub acrylic surfaces.

When salt is added to spa water, it is not immediately converted into sanitizer (through the process of electrolysis). Many salt system manufacturers claim the amount of salt is at a “minimal level” in the water. However, salt systems require about 1,750 to 3,000 parts-per-million to work, or about triple the amount of salt found in tap water. Salt causes corrosion and rust by attacking metal and breaking it down. When metal components inside a hot tub—such as heaters, heater elements, and jet escutcheons—are exposed to high sodium doses corrosion may occur. This can shorten the lifespan of internal metal components, resulting in poor performance and costly repair bills.

The fact of the matter is that spa water needs to be sanitized in order to be safe. Smaller, controlled doses of bromine or chlorine, an ozone generator, and perhaps spa minerals (or conditioners) to soften the water have been known to be the best current approach to maintaining safe water in your hot tub!

Hot Tub Safety Tips

As we enter into the fall season we are also entering arguably the best time of year for western New Yorkers to enjoy their hot tubs! That being said, it is important to maintain an atmosphere of safety in your hot tub, just as you would with your pool! Here are some hot tub safety tips!

  1. Adjust heating settings to a comfortable temperature- those with sensitive skin or sensitivities to heat may need to take extra precautions before entering a hot tub.

  2. Always enter the hot tub feet first, and hold on to edges for stability. To prevent slipping, ensure footing is in place before stepping further into the hot tub.

  3. Sitting for long periods in hot water can be troublesome for individuals who are not accustomed to it, so make sure you’re listening to warning signs that you need to leave the hot tub. Examples include increased heart rate, nausea and lightheadedness. Getting your heart above the water level will allow for more rapid cool-down.

  4. Hydrate and continue hydrating. Sitting for too long in hot water can cause your body to become dehydrated. Drink water before, during and after soaking in a hot tub to prevent dehydration, headaches or fatigue.

  5. This should go without saying but, no diving into the hot tub at any time!

  6. Try to stay away from drains and other openings that cause suction.

Water safety is important for everyone. Hot tub and swim spa users of all ages can enjoy the water as long as everyone does their part to ensure there is an atmosphere of safety.

Hot Tub Maintenance Tips

The fall can be the most relaxing time of year to use your Marquis hot tub, so it’s important to keep your hot tub in working order! Here are a few tips for maintaining your hot tub!

Clean the Filter(s): This is one of the most important aspects of maintaining your spa. A regular cleaning routine will help your spa’s filtration system run as efficiently as possible. It can also help to extend the lifespan of your filter(s), which may help to save money in the long run. How often you clean the filters depends on how much you use your hot tub.

Keep a spare set of hot tub filters in a clean, dry place. When you remove the dirty filters from your hot tub for cleaning and air drying, swap in your spare set from storage. Once your dirty filters are cleaned and air dried, they become your spare set for storage. Repeat this process as necessary.

Rinse Off First: Prior to entering your spa, if possible, rinse off completely in the shower. Showering removes skin residue like deodorant, lotion and makeup which can impact the cleanliness of your hot tub. Additionally, rinsing your bathing suit reduces residue from detergent and fabric softeners.

Top it Off: Regular spa usage and evaporation will gradually reduce your spa’s water level. Without people in the spa, the water should reach about two thirds of the way up the skimmer opening. If you notice the pumps “surging”- meaning repeatedly starting and stopping- it can mean your water level is too low.