Hot Tub Safety Tips

As we enter into the fall season we are also entering arguably the best time of year for western New Yorkers to enjoy their hot tubs! That being said, it is important to maintain an atmosphere of safety in your hot tub, just as you would with your pool! Here are some hot tub safety tips!

  1. Adjust heating settings to a comfortable temperature- those with sensitive skin or sensitivities to heat may need to take extra precautions before entering a hot tub.

  2. Always enter the hot tub feet first, and hold on to edges for stability. To prevent slipping, ensure footing is in place before stepping further into the hot tub.

  3. Sitting for long periods in hot water can be troublesome for individuals who are not accustomed to it, so make sure you’re listening to warning signs that you need to leave the hot tub. Examples include increased heart rate, nausea and lightheadedness. Getting your heart above the water level will allow for more rapid cool-down.

  4. Hydrate and continue hydrating. Sitting for too long in hot water can cause your body to become dehydrated. Drink water before, during and after soaking in a hot tub to prevent dehydration, headaches or fatigue.

  5. This should go without saying but, no diving into the hot tub at any time!

  6. Try to stay away from drains and other openings that cause suction.

Water safety is important for everyone. Hot tub and swim spa users of all ages can enjoy the water as long as everyone does their part to ensure there is an atmosphere of safety.