Hot Tub Maintenance Tips

The winter season can be the most relaxing time of year to use your Marquis hot tub, so it’s important to keep your hot tub in working order! Here are a few tips for maintaining your hot tub!

Clean the Filter(s): This is one of the most important aspects of maintaining your spa. A regular cleaning routine will help your spa’s filtration system run as efficiently as possible. It can also help to extend the lifespan of your filter(s), which may help to save money in the long run. How often you clean the filters depends on how much you use your hot tub.

Keep a spare set of hot tub filters in a clean, dry place. When you remove the dirty filters from your hot tub for cleaning and air drying, swap in your spare set from storage. Once your dirty filters are cleaned and air dried, they become your spare set for storage. Repeat this process as necessary.

Rinse Off First: Prior to entering your spa, if possible, rinse off completely in the shower. Showering removes skin residue like deodorant, lotion and makeup which can impact the cleanliness of your hot tub. Additionally, rinsing your bathing suit reduces residue from detergent and fabric softeners.

Top it Off: Regular spa usage and evaporation will gradually reduce your spa’s water level. Without people in the spa, the water should reach about two thirds of the way up the skimmer opening. If you notice the pumps “surging”- meaning repeatedly starting and stopping- it can mean your water level is too low.