Pools & Spas

How to Prime Your Pool Pump

Your pool pump is meant to function only with water inside it. If it’s not full of water, your pump can possibly become damaged, leading to a costly repair. The pump is like the heart of your pool’s circulation system, and the water is its lifeblood. Without water moving through it at all times, the pump’s motor will begin building friction, which creates heat.

Sometimes, air will manage to make it into your pool pump without your having done anything to invite it. For example, if you live in an area that sees freezing temperatures during the winter, you’ll want to blow the water out of the plumbing lines before you close your pool. This will keep the water from freezing in the pipes, which can damage them. When you blow the water out of the plumbing system, you’re replacing it with air.

Come spring, when it’s time to open your pool, if you just start the pump while it still only has air in it, you can run into all those overheating problems. You need to get water flowing into and through the pump before fully turning the system on. And you do that by priming the pump.

How to Prime a Pool Pump:

1. Turn the Multiport Valve to Recirculate

This will direct the water into the filter head, and then right back out to the pool.

2. Remove Pool Plugs

You’ll need water to be able to flow into the pump, so remove any plugs you may have in the skimmer(s) or return jets before you turn any equipment on.

3. Fill The Pump With Water

Remove the pump’s lid and check the inside. If it’s dry, you’ll need to add some water before you turn it on. Make sure all the drain plugs are in place, then use a garden hose to pre-fill the pump housing.

Allow water to run into the pump housing for at least two minutes. This will allow some water to seep into the pipes that extend from the skimmer to the pump so there’ll be enough water to create suction in the pump.

4. Turn the Pump On

Replace the lid, and turn the pump on. It may gurgle and sputter a little, and it may take a little time, but eventually, you should see water filling the pump housing.

Once the housing is full of water, the pump is primed, and you’re ready to go!

The Future of Pool Pumps

As of July 19, 2021, variable speed pumps are to take the place of single speed pumps. This is a move to meet the minimum efficiency requirements outlined by the Department of Energy. All pumps manufactured after July 19, 2021, must meet minimum efficiency standards being put in place for U.S. homes and businesses.

Don’t stress- you do not have to run out right away to replace the single speed pump currently installed in your pool if it’s still in good working condition. Instead, with this new regulation, it will get progressively harder to find large single speed pumps. Moving forward, manufacturers will switch production to the variable speed pump only.

Now that variable speed pumps are becoming the standard, here’s what you should know:

  • Lower Energy Bills

Variable-speed pumps save you money in the long run. Pool pumps don’t have to run at high power 24/7 to keep your pool clean. Variable-speed pumps allow you to use only the amount of power you actually need. In fact, lowering the pump speed when the pool filter is running will allow for more effective filtration, all while saving energy.

  • Quieter Operation

Variable-speed pumps are much quieter than the other options. The quieter operation is one of the biggest benefits people notice right away. Because the pumps aren’t always running at the highest speed, they make less noise overall. Less noise leads to more peaceful pool time and happier neighbors!

  • Convenient Control

The best part about the various speeds and modes of variable-speed pumps is that you don’t have to control them manually. You can set schedules, and let the pump run on its own. This enables you to program the pump to dial down for quiet times and ramp up for quick cleaning.

  • Fewer Headaches Down the Road

The new standards implemented by the Department of Energy don’t prohibit single-speed pumps outright, but they will make it necessary for most pool owners to install variable-speed pumps down the line. By making the switch to a variable-speed pool pump today, you can avoid having to replace a single-speed pump in the future.

Colley’s does still have a limited quantity of single speed pumps available, but once they are gone, we will only carry variable speed pumps. Contact (716) 649-7640 for more information on having a new pump installed this summer!

Fun Pool Games for Kids!

Memorial Day weekend is here and it’s prime time to use the pool! Keep the kids entertained for hours with these easy, exciting pool games for kids, teenagers, and toddlers. From games to play in the pool by themselves to swimming pool relay games, these simple ideas for pool activities will help you make memories — and make a splash!

  • Pool Freeze Tag: Bring the classic game in the water! One person will be designated as “it,” when he or she tags another player, that player must freeze in place. You can decide if they need to remain frozen for the duration of the game or if other players are able to un-tag them by swimming underwater.

  • Marco Polo: We bet you remember this game from your childhood. This timeless crowd-pleaser has entertained generations of children and it’s easy to see why!

  • Sharks & Minnows: Depending on how many players you have you can have one shark or multiple. The shark starts out on one end of the pool while the minnows line up on the opposite side. When the shark yells “go,” the minnows must swim to the other side without being tagged. Again, you can make the rules. Tagged minnows either need to sit outside of the pool until the next round or can join forces with the shark to tag the rest of the minnows.

  • Handstand Challenge: Challenge your child! See if they can do a handstand and hold it. Remind your child to be careful, know their limits, and take a break when they start to get tired.

  • Solo Pool Race: Using a waterproof watch or timer, test your child’s speed with timed laps in the pool. They’ll be pleasantly surprised to see how much they can improve in a single summer!

Or, create your own game or create your own rules to one of the suggested games- be creative! Your Colley’s pool is all about making memories!