
Seasonal Pool Maintenance and Security Tips

The leaves are turning, and the air is cool and crisp. It's a sure sign that fall is here and winter a close step behind. In Western New York, this marks the end of the 2022 swim season. Here are a few basic tips to prepare your pool for its closing:

1. Remove Debris: Most homeowners take extra care to remove leaves and other surface debris (toys, floats, etc) from the pool. If there are leaves at the bottom of the pool, we suggest removing them as soon as possible because they could stain or cause algae growth.

2. General Cleaning: Once debris and pool toys have been removed, you should scrub the walls and tiles (if you have tiling) and use the pool vacuum to ensure the bottom of the pool has been thoroughly cleaned.

3. Filter Check: Clean filters after a busy summer pool season to keep them working into the fall, even if they plan to close the pool. No one wants to open the pool in the spring with dirt and grime from the last season, especially if you’re the one opening the pool.

4. Chemical Check: As you would during peak swim season, please ensure your water is properly balanced, especially going into your pool closing. If you need help balancing the pool, bring a water sample in to your local Colley’s retail store, or give them a call!

5. Perimeter Security: For pool owners, protecting the backyard and the pool area is year-round. It is not unheard of, especially locally, to have animals such as deer fall into pool and cause damage to the cover and/or pool during the fall/winter. A fence or secure perimeter may help to mitigate any unwanted guests from entering the pool area.

How to Properly Maintain Your Loop Loc Cover


If you have a Loop Loc cover, you know it is the strongest pool cover on the market. While it is virtually maintenance free, there are steps you should take to promote the longevity of your Loop Loc cover.

  1. Proper Storage: When storing your Loop Loc, fold it up and roll it into the provided storage bag. Hang the bag on a hook or nail (or any way to keep it off the floor). By keeping your Loop Loc off the floor, you are allowing the cover to drain through the bag as well as protect it from rodents. Rodents notoriously like to make a home out of pool covers; chewing holes and causing rips.

  2. Handle with Care: Loop Loc covers can be bulky and heavy, but it is important to handle them with care. It is best to avoid dragging the over across the deck or placing it near any sharp edges which will damage the cover.

  3. Snow Support: During Western New York’s inevitably cold and snowy winters, your water level should be 15”-18” below the top of the pool. The water (and eventually ice) will act as a support for your Loop Loc when the snow accumulates. This support will help relieve the stress the weight of the snow is placing on the cover.

  4. Stay Off: While Loop Loc is touted to be able to hold an elephant, it is best to keep off of your cover to maintain its strength. Not only can being on the cover put stress on it, but pets and other animals can put rips in the cover with their paws/claws.

There are just a few helpful tips that will allow you to get the most out of your Loop Loc cover! Visit the Loop Loc page on our website for more information:

Backwashing your Sand Filter System

The purpose of the sand filter is to collect dirt and debris from the pool water. Dirt is collected in the filter as the water flows through the control valve (multiport valve) at the top of the filter and directed downward onto the surface of the filter sand bed. Dirt and debris are collected in the sand and clean water is returned to the swimming pool. As more dirt/debris collects in the filter, the pressure in the filter rises and the water flow back to the pool slows down. A pressure gauge is located on the side of the multiport valve.

Your filter should be backwashed once a week or more often if you notice a 10 psi increase on your gauge before your normal backwash date. Backwashing allows the sand filter to clean itself of the collected dirt and debris.

How to Backwash the Filter

  1. Turn pump, “off”.

  2. Set multiport valve to the, “backwash” position; rotate the valve handle in a clockwise motion always.

  3. Turn pump, “on”.

  4. Allow the, “backwash” cycle to operate in 2-3 minute cycles. If the water does not run clear by 3 minutes, shut down and repeat.

  5. Turn pump, “off”.

  6. Set the multiport valve to the , “rinse” position; rotate the valve handle in a clockwise motion always.

  7. Turn pump, “on”.

  8. Allow the, “rinse” cycle to operate for 30 seconds.

  9. Turn the pump, “off”.

    1. NOTE: The pump must be off before moving the multiport valve settings. Turning the settings with the pump running may damage the multiport valve.

  10. Set multiport valve to the, “filter” position; rotate the valve handle in a clockwise motion always.

  11. Turn pump, “on”.

  12. Open the manual air bleeder (pressure gauge) on the multiport valve, close the air bleeder once water emerges from the air bleeder.

This is a general guide to backwashing your sand filter system and is by no means a, “one size fits all” approach. If you are unsure of the steps to backwash your sand filter, it is always best to consult your local Colley’s expert.